Space planning and operations II  

Learning outcomes After successfully completing the Space Planning and Operations II module, students have knowledge in the following areas: Basic elements of a space system and its subsystems Basics of spaceflight operations Structure and function of a mission control center and a ground station Duties of an operations engineer Partial aspects of mission planning Operation and use of mission planning tools Design steps for interpreting mission scenarios The aim of the module is to learn skills in: the implementation of space flight operations the development and use of ground station systems the planning and use of telecommand and telemetry systems The aim of the module is to learn skills: when carrying out project work independently as part of a group in organizing and coordinating work processes within a given time frame when evaluating, interpreting and presenting project results Teaching content A new topic is chosen for the project module every semester. The content of the module is taught in the form of a one-semester project exercise and includes the following aspects: Operation of a space system e.g. Technosat Elements of a ground segment including technologies used Further development of a ground segment Development of mission goals Creation of a mission profile Planning system usage Development of an overall concept
Space planning and operations II

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